- removed deprecated pkg_resources module
- added better version checker
- upgraded app2script module to handle conversions
- added a projects tool to fetch projects with earthengine api enabled
- upgraded quota tool to handle root assets for earthengine-api >=v0.1.400
- added recursive handling for folder object count
- fixed Issue 18 to handle featureview operations
- fixed issue with copy, move, asset size estimation and acl
- Added extra fields for geeadd search tool
- Updated pending/ready tasks as they are called in tasklist
- Fixed task cancellation options
- Gives better parsing of tasking info
- Search by task ID now
- Now outputs EECU and path for tasks that have those fields
- Fixed size estimation for image vs image collection
- Enhanced user docs and readme
- added output from delete operation
- Added some function descriptions & general improvements
- Updated to use API v1 with some updates to avoid breaking changes
- Updated some core tools like size update and quota updation
- The geeadd access tool is now user type agnostic and you can simply pass if the user is service account, group or email
- Better handling of acl delete function
- Added some function descriptions & general improvements
- Reduced client initialization steps
- fixed ee_report tool to allow for report exports for all EE asset types
- updated task search and task by state search
- general cleanup and improvements
- added folder migration tools
- improved recursive folder search & copy, move and permissions tools
- major improvements to copy and move tools for better migration of nested Folders
- Minor improvements and cleanup
- Updated search tool to use updated endpoint
- Search tool no longer downloads zip or parses CSV
- Minor improvements
- Updated copy tool to allow for non mirrored copy
- Updated task and task cancel tools to account for states Pending and Cancelling
- Updated quota tool to handle GCP projects inside GEE
- Updated Folder size reporting
- Updated to use earthengine-api>= 0.1.222
- Copy and move tool improvements to facilitate cloud alpha support.
- Fixed issue 11.
- Updated to recent API calls based on Issue and general improvements
- Added auto version check from pypi.
- Fixed issue with delete tool and shell call.
- Fixed issue with copy and move function for single collections
- Now inclues asset_url and thumbnail_url for search.
- Formatting and general improvements.
- Now inclues license in sdist
- Fixed issue with app2script tool and string and text parsing.
- Added readme and version tools.
- Added readme docs and deployed environment.
- Removed git dependency and used urllib instead based on feedback
- Created conda forge release based on Issue 10
- Fixed relative import issue for earthengine.
- Fixed image collection move tool to parse ee object type correctly as image_collection.
- Made enhancement Issue 9.
- Search tool now return earth engine asset snippet and start and end dates as JSON object.
- Removed pretty table dependency.
- Improved quota tools to get all quota and asset counts.
- Added a search tool to search GEE catalog using keywords.
- Improved parsing for app to script tool.
- Detailed asset root for all root folders and recursively
- Cancel tasks now allows you to choose, running, ready or specific task ids.
- Assets copy and move now allows you to copy entire folders, collectiona and assets recursively
- Updated assets access tool
- Delete metadata allows you to delete metadata for existing collection.
- Overall general improvements and optimization.
- General improvements
- Added tool to get underlying code from earthengine app
- Updated list and asset size functions
- Updated function to generate earthengine asset report
- General optimization and improvements to distribution
- Better error handling
- Removed upload function
- Upload handles by geeup
- General optimization and improvements to distribution
- Better error handling
- Uses poster for streaming upload more stable with memory issues and large files
- Poster dependency limits use to Py 2.7 will fix in the new version
- Major improvement to move, batch copy, and task reporting
- Major improvements to access tool to allow users read/write permission to entire Folder/collection.
- Handles bandnames during upload thanks to Lukasz for original upload code
- Removed manifest option, that can be handled by seperate tool (ppipe)
- Removing the initialization loop error
- Added improvement to earthengine authorization
- Added capability to handle PlanetScope 4Band Surface Reflectance Metadata Type
- General Improvements
- Tool improvements and enhancements
- New tool EE_Report was added
- Fixed issues with install
- Dependencies now part of
- Updated Parser and general improvements