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GEE App to Script tool

The App to Script tool in geeadd offers a convenient way to extract the underlying Earth Engine code from any public Earth Engine application. This tool provides two options: it can either print out the code or export it into a JavaScript file for easy integration into the Google Earth Engine code editor.

Key Features

  • Code Extraction: The tool seamlessly retrieves the Earth Engine code that powers any public Earth Engine application, providing users with a clear understanding of the underlying code structure.

  • JavaScript Export: Users have the option to export the code directly into a JavaScript file. This file can be opened in any text editor, allowing for easy modification and integration into the Google Earth Engine code editor.


Using the App to Script tool is straightforward. Simply provide the URL of the public Earth Engine application you want to extract the code from.

# Print out the Earth Engine code
geeadd app2script --url ""
# Export the code to a JavaScript file
geeadd app2script --url "" --outfile "Full path to javascript.js"
  • --url: The URL of the public Earth Engine application.

  • --outfile: (Optional) The full path to the JavaScript file where you want to export the code.

GEE App to Script


The following example demonstrates how to use the App to Script tool to extract and export Earth Engine code:

# Print out the Earth Engine code
geeadd app2script --url ""